Registered Clinical Counsellor
Victoria, BC mary@marymunro.ca
Life can be challenging
Counselling can help you find a way forward
Feeling bad occasionally is part of being human. But feeling bad most of the time is hard to bear. Challenging life experiences can leave us confused and upset. Uncomfortable thoughts and feelings can interrupt our comfortable enjoyment of our lives, and our confidence in ourselves. Sometimes we don't even know where the discomfort comes from. We may:
feel we're not living the life we want
feel easily irritated by others and by things that happen
sleep poorly
lose focus
criticise ourselves
dwell on or experience unsettling memories
feel bad about feeling bad
have trouble making decisions
avoid tasks that we want to get done
do unhelpful things to make us feel better
have trouble standing up for ourselves
lash out at other people
struggle over a loss
I can help. Relief is possible
Counselling is a supportive experience designed to help you function better: to be more effective, to give you insight, to support your self-growth, to improve your relationships, to give you confidence in yourself, and to give you strategies for managing and thriving. People experience relief in counselling -- that they are not alone and that someone will help them through their problem. With support, you can function more effectively, and get to a place where you feel you can manage on your own.
I can help you find relief and rediscover your resilience -- your capacity to manage and enjoy your life. I provide effective, supportive, and confidential treatment. I help clients feel better. I listen to stories to see past the pain and discomfort, to uncover patterns in order to uncover possibilities. I help people with everyday problems to the more complex. Often issues can overlap, and we work together to come up with a direction you want to go in. I see many people who are struggling in their relationship, those who have a major life decision to make, and those who want to set boundaries with others. I help people with depression figure out what they can change about their lives, and how to go about it. I coach those with anxiety to a calmer place. I see people who want to talk about their abortion, miscarriage, or sexual health in a neutral space. Whatever the issue may be, I listen very closely to you, with an unbiased ear, to help you gain perspective and a way to handle your experience.
For an appointment or more information, call me at 250-589-4172 or email me at mary@marymunro.ca.